UK researchers seek GMO babies
Researchers from the United Kingdom believe the next frontier of science will be directly genetically modifying human embryos in the name of “studying early human development.” While the re [...]
Researchers from the United Kingdom believe the next frontier of science will be directly genetically modifying human embryos in the name of “studying early human development.” While the re [...]
Acid reflux, a disorder in which acids produced by the stomach enter the esophagus, can result in a number of other symptoms like gas, bloating and indigestion. It can be caused by any numb [...]
A recent report in Advances in Nutrition, published by the American Society for Nutrition, suggests that we should not forget our pale produce when we think of healthy foods. Though they ar [...]
One of the smallest but most profound changes you can make in your day to day life is to begin taking omega-3 fatty acids regularly. In fact, they are one of the most well documented benefi [...]
The American Dental Association claims that, when mercury is mixed with other metals, such as silver or copper, to create amalgam fillings, what they are creating are tough but inexpensive [...]
Autumn is the harvest season, and with its harvest come many great fruits and vegetables. While often overlooked for more exotic items, there are plenty of superfoods to be grown in your ow [...]