New study says berries boost your brain
It is no secret that berries are good for your health. They’re rich in antioxidants, fiber and vitamins. But, can they make you smarter too? Scientists from the USDA-ARS, Human Nutrit [...]
It is no secret that berries are good for your health. They’re rich in antioxidants, fiber and vitamins. But, can they make you smarter too? Scientists from the USDA-ARS, Human Nutrit [...]
When Stamatis Moraitis, a native of Greece, was diagnosed with severe lung cancer in just his mid-60s, he was told he had just 9 months to live. In an amazing turn of events, however, Stama [...]
If you could heal your cancer with a few shots of wheatgrass every morning instead of undergoing chemotherapy, would you do it? It may sound crazy, but 74-year-old Danny McDonald from Irela [...]
There are about 100 trillion microorganisms living in your intestines. These little guys are associated with many aspects of physical health, but new research has indicated that these micro [...]
If you’re like millions of Americans, you probably started drinking diet soda because it was “healthier” than having all of that sugar. While sugar still isn’t good [...]
Honey and lemon are two of nature’s most potent natural remedies. They are even more beneficial when used together, each enhancing and increasing the other’s beneficial and supp [...]
In California, a father recently brought his young daughter to visit the practice of Matthew T. Cohan, MD, for a respiratory infection. Filling out forms is always expected at the doctor [...]
Did you know that many ingredients commonly used in our foods here in the United States are actually banned in other countries? In fact, Natural News reports that upwards of 80 percent of t [...]
Despite increasingly large and overwhelming pushes from Big Pharma and Big Medicine, their attempts to persuade more people to vaccinate themselves seem to be increasingly ignored. Perhaps [...]
To the surprise of many, researchers from Washington state have discovered that chemotherapy may not be the paragon of cancer treatment after all. While it has been an industry standard for [...]