05/11/2016 / By D. Samuelson
The pineal gland is a tiny cone shaped endocrine gland near the center of your brain. It is responsible for producing melatonin, which is necessary for regulating sleep patterns. The pineal gland has long been associated with its esoteric function as “the third eye.” Studies have shown that this same gland, when functioning properly, will allow a person to experience different harmonic frequencies which leads to a higher feeling of connectedness with all creation. The benefits of these experiences, however, have been snuffed out to a great degree from the ubiquitous use of fluoride, the neurotoxin that has been poured into public water supplies since the 1950s. Dr. Edward Group of the Global Healing Center says fluoride’s effect on the pineal gland is even greater than on our skeletal structure:
“Fluoride can accumulate and calcify on the gland, blocking its effectiveness, and these deposits can get worse as we age. A blocked pineal gland could lead to things like trouble sleeping or weight gain. One study even suggests toxic calcification could lead to early onset of puberty in girls. [Pineal produced melatonin acts] as a neuro-protector that could play a role in the aging process and Alzheimer’s, so when it’s messed up by things like fluoride, you can guess what happens. Unfortunately, the pineal gland can develop problems because it can also absorb a lot of fluoride—even more than our bones.”
So who wouldn’t want to begin to decalcify their pineal gland? Dr. Group offers two suggestions:
“First, stop drinking fluoridated water; this means you should probably steer clear of tap water, choosing alkaline or distilled water instead. Another thing you could do is try fluoride-free dental products. Iodine may be another useful tool to use for detoxifying your pineal gland from excessive fluoride.”
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While you are able to purchase fluoride free dental products, Women’s Vibe has a better idea – make your own. Here’s their recipe for a toothpaste that not only eliminates the chance of neurotoxins, it helps decalcify your pineal gland:
“1 tablespoon of coconut oil, 5 teaspoons (or two capsules) of turmeric powder and peppermint oil. Combine two capsules of turmeric with one tablespoon of coconut oil. Whisk the mixture well and add a little bit of the peppermint oil, and whisk the mixture again… Simply apply the mixture on your teeth with the toothbrush.
“Tumeric is very helpful in relieving toothaches, thanks to its microbacterial properties. Tumeric relieves the gum irritation as well as gum reddening and oral infections. The most important thing is that turmeric decalcifies your pineal gland.”
Dental and oral health is so critical to our digestion and our emotional well-being. Unfortunately, many dentists still don’t understand the toxic nature of mercury laden fillings, fluoride and the danger of root canals, so it really is up to us to discover the best way to care for our teeth, our mind and our bodies. Without a proper set of choppers, it’s very difficult to eat the appropriate foods to maintain our immune system at optimal health. If you are in need of serious dental repair, make sure you engage with a dentist who understands the difference between toxins and procedures that harm and the natural elements that heal and protect.
(Credit photo: Truth Frequency Radio)
Tagged Under: Decalcify your pineal gland, Dr. Edward Group, melatonin, neuro-protector, Relieve gum infections, stop fluoride poisoning, third eye, Tumeric toothpaste