Give us this day our daily bread, millions say. Most have forgotten the part about forgiving us our sins. Especially …
Thanks to Vermont’s intrepid group of anti-GMO educators and legislators, GMO labeling is a fact and will begin later this …
The European Parliament recently voted to re-authorize glyphosate’s use for seven years, despite declarations made in 2015 from the International Agency …
One Major Purpose: Whatever your belief system, religion, creed, or culture – your body is a beautiful, amazing, masterful machine …
Neither the pill, the patch nor the scary CDC commercials say ONE THING about a smoker’s critical need to replenish …
No problem is too small for a cigarette, when you’re addicted. Oh the stress, it weighs so heavy at times. …
In this video, I take you on a short video tour of my video microscope and how we use it …
An Australian Health Minister named Jill Hennessy has just uttered the most insanely stupid, anti-science quackery ever recorded on the …