The latest in a growing line of deadly, antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections is set to invade the United States, as health …
When it comes to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), corruption is nothing new. As with most government organizations, …
Children residing in a region of New York State that uses aerial pesticides to maintain mosquitoes have an increased risk …
The media went on a frenzy after Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) scientist William Thompson admitted to committing …
What if you go to the doctor to get advice on how to quit cigarettes and he or she writes …
After months of investigation, the CDC has now reached a conclusion that provides yet more support for the likelihood that …
Flu shots have proven to be less and less effective in the wake of the past few flu seasons. In …
The alternative media has long reported that flu shots are at least ineffective and at most an outright scam. Now, …
In 2014, CDC whistleblower William Thompson admitted to omitting statistically significant information in a 2004 article published in the journal …
Year after year, we’re bombarded with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) urging everyone six months and older — including …