Virtually everyone gets bummed out or down in the dumps from time to time, or maybe even for long periods …
Is the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) really looking out for anyone’s best interests with their latest stand on natural, medicinal …
Hypochondriacs who tend to be worried sick could become sick for real, according to a new study from Norway that …
When it comes to vaccine mandates, it remains to be seen if President-elect Donald Trump’s vow to make America great …
You have to hand it to them, the pharmaceutical industry just doesn’t stop trying to force people to purchase their chemicals, …
It’s no surprise that the pharmaceutical industry is doing everything in their power in order to ensure that marijuana — …
If you take a good, close look at many of the problems with corruption in the United States today, you …
Americans were promised that the passage of the Affordable Care Act would usher in universal health coverage and lower healthcare …
Of all of the corrupt organizations involved with the United States federal government, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) may be …
Bernie Sanders held a rally last Friday in Hollywood to explain the importance of California Prop 61. He is fighting …