It is becoming clearer and clearer why the Big Pharma-owned corporations and crooks wanted so badly for Hillary Clinton to …
Teenagers change physically in a very short span of time, maturing mentally, physically and sexually. But one Big Pharma drug …
Acupuncture is an age-old traditional Chinese practice in which practitioners stimulate specific trigger points on the body by inserting thin …
A Trump presidency may very well usher in the kind of health choice and health freedom tens of millions of …
Just when you thought the wasting of hard-earned dollars couldn’t get any worse, recent reports reveal that the Canadians have wasted …
In case you haven’t heard the great news, President-elect Donald Trump is already taking aim at Big Pharma’s obscene profits. …
In a welcome announcement during a press conference today, President-elect Donald Trump announced a plan to shatter the monopolistic pricing …
According to the CBC, an unpublished clinical trial is missing data for a third of its participants. The drug tested …
It appears the U.S. government is officially declaring war on cancer by launching a major bureaucratic initiative aimed at sending …