AMAZING science lesson from Adams: Environmentalists declare war on photosynthesis in stupefying effort to exterminate all recognizable life on planet Earth

We were all taught how photosynthesis works in high school… or at least you should have been taught how it works. Photosynthesis is arguably the single most important metabolic process on the planet, and it is from this process that nearly all complex life is sustainted.

Photosynthesis is a process by which plants produce metabolic energy. Using this energy combined with elemental materials pulled from air and soil, they build tree trunks, food crops, leaves, pollen, seeds, stems and everything you’ve come to associate with living plants. Even alga use photosynthesis to grow and divide, which is why microalgae such as spirulina require sunlight to flourish.

Photosynthesis is the foundation of most food webs on the planet. Any rational scientist would agree that if photosynthesis were halted, nearly all recognizable life on planet Earth would be exterminated. This is inarguable.

Photosynthesis has three inputs:

1) Sunlight – a source of light energy

2) Carbon dioxide – an essential source of carbon, used by plants to build almost everything that plants need

3) Water – used by plants to maintain structure, circulate metabolic nutrients, etc.

Why do these three inputs matter so much? Because environmentalists have declared WAR on two out of those three: Sunlight and carbon dioxide.

Environmentalists are at war with photosynthesis and all plant life on planet Earth

It seems impossible, but environmentalists are at war with two out of the three primary inputs required to sustain photosynthesis. First, they’re at war with carbon, and you often hear them talk about the “war on carbon” or “carbon sequestration” — a way to bury carbon in the ground so that it’s removed from atmospheric air.

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Environmentalists have even declared carbon dioxide to be a “pollutant” even when it is the single most important molecule for supporting photosynthesis and nearly all plant life across the planet. Only a complete moron would declare war on the molecule of life that sustains trees, forests, plants, food crops, grasses, algae and seaweed, yet that’s exactly what environmentalists have done.

Their goal is the complete elimination of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere — an outcome that would exterminate all recognizable life on Earth. All in the name of being “green,” of course, since virtue signaling is more important than actually supporting living organisms these days.

Environmentalists seem to be utterly oblivious to the fact that all humans, plants, animals and insects are carbon-based life forms. That’s because nearly every molecule in your body contains carbon. You are made of carbon. Vitamin C is made of carbon. The anti-cancer nutrients in broccoli are made of carbon.

Wait… you didn’t know that?

Astonishingly, very few people realize that vitamins, essential oils, fatty acids, natural medicines and even pharmaceuticals are almost all made of carbon. To prove this to yourself, visit and search for any phytochemical you want. If you search for “ascorbic acid” — vitamin C — you get this vitamin C page revealing the molecular formula for ascorbic acid: C6H8O6.

That formula, of course, means that one molecule of vitamin C is made from 6 carbons, 8 hydrogens and 6 oxygens. Mapped out in a 2D diagram, the molecule looks like this:

If you’re not a chemist, you might be wondering, “So where’s the carbon in that?” Chemists laugh at the question because every intersection of black lines indicates a carbon atom. Carbon atoms are so common in organic chemistry that chemists don’t even note them because every diagram would be littered with the symbol for carbon.

As the molecular diagram shows, vitamin C is made of just three elements Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H) and Oxygen (O). Nothing else. The black lines are not elements; they merely indicate chemical bonds. Double lines indicate double bonds, and the stair-step lines indicate the 3D orientation of the elements.

Plants use the same three elements to build millions of different molecules, including medicinal nutrients and antibacterial phytochemicals

Did you notice that these same three elements are also found in photosynthesis? CO2 provides the Carbon. H2O provides the Hydrogen. Sunlight provides the energy. Vitamin C is synthesized by plants using carbon dioxide, hydrogen and metabolic energy for synthesis.

Any environmentalist who hates carbon dioxide must also hate vitamin C, herbal medicines, essential oils, nutrients, plant pigments and omega-3 oils… because they’re all made out of carbon. If you are at war with carbon, you are at war with life itself.

Many people who are into saving the planet are also into healthy, plant-based oils such as omega-3s or DHA. What an interesting coincidence, since DHA — Docosahexaenoic acid — is also made out of just three elements. Care to guess what they are?

Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. (C22H32O2)

DHA is synthesized by various species of algae, and they use Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen to make DHA, a powerful brain-boosting nutrient that boosts the neurological development of babies.

Environmentalists must think DHA is bad, since it’s made out of carbon.

In fact, millions of useful molecules are made out of carbon. Many of them are synthesized by plants using nothing but carbon (from CO2), hydrogen (from water) and oxygen (from water or CO2).

Environmentalists who are at war with carbon are at war with LIFE

Just about every molecule you value — and nearly every molecule you’re made of — is made out of carbon. If you are at war with carbon, you are at war with LIFE on planet Earth. If you want to eliminate carbon dioxide, you are working to exterminate life. Yet probably 90% of college students today believe that carbon dioxide is a “pollutant” and they would politically support any effort to eliminate it, even if doing so resulted in global ecological collapse and the extinction of humanity.

Astonishingly, environmentalists have been so deeply brainwashed and deliberately mis-educated that they actually think carbon is bad. They must also hate themselves, since 96% of the human body is made of just four elements: Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen. Roughly 18% of your body is carbon, by molecular weight. If you hate carbon, you hate yourself.

Maybe that’s why environmentalists are so full of hatred and ignorance: They are made of the very element they’ve declared war against. If you’ve ever wondered why Leftists are so angry all the time, it’s because they’re made of the very element they hate: Carbon.

Hydrocarbons release fresh carbon into the atmosphere where plants can use it to create valuable molecules that support life

Burning fossil fuels, by the way, means combusting hydrocarbons to release energy. One of the byproducts of burning fossil fuels is the release of CO2 into the atmosphere, providing fresh CO2 that plants are starving to harvest from the air. CO2 levels in the atmosphere right now are at near-emergency low levels of barely above 400 ppm. Forests, food crops and indigenous plants across the globe would flourish at double or triple the current level of CO2. If we had, for example, 1200 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere, the Earth would be greener and more lush.

Yet for some reason, environmentalists hate the thought of plants having more nutrients. They want the Earth to be “green,” they say, by eliminating CO2 from the atmosphere, taking away the single most important nutrient for photosynthesis and plant metabolism.

The burning of fossil fuels releases nutrients into the air that plants need to survive. Instead of keeping all the carbon trapped underground, fossil fuel “consumption” actually frees carbon to be used by plants in support of a greener, more lush, more biodiverse ecosystem across the planet.

When carbon is trapped in fossil fuels under ground, that carbon is isolated from the plants that need it. When fossil fuels are burned, that carbon is finally released into the air so that plants can use it to synthesize the molecules we all use and enjoy, from vitamin C to anti-cancer compounds such as sulforaphane, found in broccoli. Yes, it’s made of carbon: (C6H11NOS2)

Sulforaphane is a lifesaving anti-cancer nutrient that’s synthesized by cruciferous vegetables which pull carbon dioxide out of the air in order to build sulforaphane molecules. If you hate carbon, you hate sulforaphane and millions of other plant-based molecules that are made out of carbon.

A war on carbon is a war on plants, nutrition, herbs, natural medicine, superfoods and life itself. Only a complete moron, a raging lunatic or a brainwashed idiot could be convinced to think that carbon is bad for the planet. Yet that describes about 90% of the “scientific establishment,” now consisting of complete anti-science idiots who have forgotten how photosynthesis works and why it’s the basis of ecology for the entire planet.

If you really want to “green” the planet, keep consuming clean sources of hydrocarbons such as natural gas, because they release trapped carbon into the atmosphere where plants can finally use it. Even burning gasoline in your vehicle actually releases CO2 that plants can use. Far from destroying the world, fossil fuels are actually the very source of carbon that can help “green” the world. If you don’t understand that, you don’t understand the very basis of life on our planet: Photosynthesis.

And if you support the elimination of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, you support the extermination of all complex life on planet Earth.

If environmentalists succeed in eliminating carbon, they will exterminate life on Earth

Notably, if environmentalists ever succeed in eliminating carbon from the atmosphere, they will almost instantly exterminate all recognizable life on Earth.

Is this their goal? Is the environmental movement some kind of suicide cult? Or, better yet, are they actually pushing an insidious agenda of terraforming planet Earth to make it uninhabitable by humans?

Or are they just stupid and suicidal? Personally, I wouldn’t necessarily mind all the environmentalists going off to their own planet somewhere and exterminating themselves with their suicidal intentions, but the problem we have is that they are trying to murder the planet where the rest of us live. That cannot be allowed. The life-killing lunatics must be stopped. They are ecological murderers… botanical eugenicists. They want to destroy all plant life on Earth in the name of “saving the planet,” and they don’t seem to mind the fact that human civilization cannot possibly survive their insane agendas rooted in either mass delusion or murderous intent. They’re either trying to kill all life on the planet, in other words, or they’re so incredibly stupid that they’ve been talked into supporting mass murder in the name of environmentalism.

Either way, they are death cult lunatics, and if we hope to survive their dangerous, planet-killing schemes like “carbon sequestration” or “global dimming” (see below), we must rip these lunatics from power, take their hands off the controls and put them all in straight jackets where they belong.

Simply put, there is no future for the human race if the current breed of lunatic environmentalists are allowed to run their “death cult” programs that would shut down photosynthesis and exterminate all recognizable life on our planet. Thank God carbon dioxide is produced by every living mammal on the planet — including you — meaning that you can help save the planet by taking a jog and simply exhaling.

In the spirit of that simple, inescapable truth, I propose a new bumper sticker: Piss off a liberal. Just BREATHE.

The war on sunlight and the new scheme of “global dimming”

Waging war on carbon isn’t the end of the lunacy of whacko environmentalists. They also think there’s something wrong with sunlight, another key input for photosynthesis. They’ve launched a program of “global dimming” that seeks to literally pollute the atmosphere by dispersing millions of tons of smog (sulfur dioxide) into the atmosphere, running 4,000 flights a year over the next 15 years, all in the name of “geoengineering” the atmosphere. (These are the same lunatics who said “chemtrails” were a conspiracy theory; now they’ve re-named it “Stratospheric Aerosol Injection” and claim it will save the world.)

In essence, they are terraforming the Earth and making it uninhabitable by humans. Are they completely insane, or are they prepping the planet for colonization by something that isn’t human? (Coming soon:

See full coverage of that crucial issue at this story on Natural News called “Terraforming has begun: Global dimming is a plot to exterminate humanity.

Watch a summary of that issue here:


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