11/17/2018 / By Mary Miller
Acupressure isn’t just for adults. People of all ages can benefit from the ancient healing method of acupressure, even small children and babies.
Also known as reflexology, acupressure is the healing technique of stimulating reflex points on certain parts of the body that correlate to vital organs. Stimulating these points with acupressure allows healing energy to flow to those specific organs to help the body heal itself. This form of alternative treatment is typically used to alleviate stress-related ailments. Babies are hardly expected to experience stress, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t benefit from an acupressure session. Because their bodies are still underdeveloped and highly sensitive, babies and small children can be prone to certain health problems. On the other hand, this heightened sensitivity also allows them to respond especially well to acupressure. When applied correctly, it brings them instant relief and helps them relax.
Acupressure can be used to alleviate pain and symptoms relating to a number of health problems, but it can also be utilized as a preventive maintenance tool for good health. It can additionally be used to gently correct conditions from birth. Some babies experience a difficult birthing procedure when they undergo a forceps delivery or if a ventouse is used on them. The bones of newborns are tiny and fragile and the use of such birthing instruments puts considerable amounts of pressure on their skulls. This can cause their skulls to be marginally misaligned. Fortunately, this can be remedied with the gentle application of acupressure.
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Physical contact with babies is necessary for their well-being as it promotes healthy psychological and physical development. Acupressure is a very good way to provide regular physical interaction between you and your baby. At the same time, it is important that acupressure be applied very gently and carefully to babies and small children as their body parts are still tender and delicate. Gently apply pressure on the key healing points for around 10 minutes a day, with a maximum of 20 minutes. Here are some ways acupressure can be used to benefit small children:
If you want to learn more about acupressure and other forms of alternative medicine, you can read more articles by going to AlternativeMedicine.news.
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Tagged Under: acupressure, alternative medicine, alternative therapies, alternative treatment, babies, children, healing, natural cures, natural medicine, natural remedies, pain relief, reflexology, small children, traditional Chinese medicine