8 easy ways to clean up dirty indoor air

Indoor air pollutants can lead to disease. Several conditions are linked to the exposure to these contaminants, including acute and chronic pulmonary disorder, increased prevalence of respiratory symptoms, and enhanced sensitivity of the airways to allergens. Most people remain unaware of the dangers; happy in their states of bliss and misconception that somehow being inside is safer.

Safe as houses, indeed.

Health experts constantly remind the public to assess the conditions of their indoor environment. It is crucial that homes are kept safe and toxic-free. There are eight ways you can naturally clean your air. (h/t to NaturalLivingIdeas.com.)

Eight ways to cleaner air

Start by increasing ventilation. This does sound rather obvious, but surprisingly, homeowners tend to forget this. Opening the window can be the trick to improving air quality. But let’s not forget that outside air can be hazardous too. Experts recommend installing trickle vents to purify and cycle the air indoors.

You can opt to install ceiling fans and heat-blocking window treatments. These naturally cool the air without having to resort to traditional air conditioners. You should also consider minimizing the use of heat-producing appliances.

Indoor air filters are an effective way of removing unwanted toxins in the air. There are a variety of high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters to choose from. HEPA filters trap contaminants in a web of fibers, much like a sieve would. It is important to regularly change these filters to ensure proper function.

One oft-forgotten strategy is removing the source of contamination. Avoid using chemical paints or detergents. Keep synthetic fibers in airtight containers. Regularly clean the room and prevent mold build-up. It is also a good idea not to smoke inside your home. (Related: 7 Surprising Sources of Indoor Air Pollution.)

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As much as possible, do not use paraffin candles — even in emergency situations. These release petroleum byproducts that affect the airways. The soot produced can even promote excessive mucus production in the lungs. Instead, use (or make your own) beeswax candles. Beeswax burns clean and has the added benefit of ionizing the air. Beeswax candles neutralize toxic chemicals. Moreover, beeswax candles tend to burn slowly, so you don’t need to replace them as often.

Himalayan salt lamps are all the rage now. The benefits of Himalayan salt are considerable. This pink salt, hailing from a specific area in Pakistan, has numerous healing properties. The lamps — which are basically blocks of Himalayan salt — are said to help purify the air and neutralize toxins. Take note though that studies regarding their efficacy as lamps are conflicting. Still, these lamps burn gentle and make for beautiful additions in any home.

Another way to rid the air of pollutants is to place sticks of activated charcoal around the home. Air filters use activated carbon to trap impurities in the environment. Activated charcoal are extremely porous and capture contaminants through a series of chemical reactions.

Lastly, never underestimate the power of houseplants. Adding a few houseplants can dramatically improve air quality. Some of the more recommended ones are: butterfly palms, rubber trees, cornstalks, peace lilies, chrysanthemums, English ivies, and Chinese evergreens.

Breathe it in

More than 40 million Americans suffer from indoor allergies yearly, says the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology as reported in NewsUSA.com. These allergies are caused by contaminants found in pet dander, dust mites, and mold spores that are found inside our homes.

Dr. Clifford Bassett, Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at the Long Island College Hospital says that “because so much of our time is spent indoors, it is vital that we are aware of the invisible pollutants and indoor allergens that are present in our homes and how poor indoor air quality can potentially impact respiratory health.”

Thankfully, allergies and other respiratory symptoms can easily be prevented by actively purifying indoor air.

Read more natural ways to clean indoor air at Environ.news.

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