Consuming silicon-rich water or foods can purge your body of up to 70% of the of aluminum in your bloodstream

Every day, we are being bombarded with aluminum. Even though aluminum is known to be a toxic substance, it can be found in many of our everyday products, such as processed food, cookware, vaccines, medications, baby products, cosmetics, antiperspirants, sunscreens, cleaning products, tap water, and even in the air we breathe.

Aluminum is a toxic metal that accumulates in the body over time, especially in the brain. It has been linked to many diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis (MS), chronic fatigue, autistic spectrum disorders, and other neurological or auto-immune diseases.

To protect your body and brain, drink silicon-rich water every day

Professor Christopher Exley, a scientist from Keele University in Staffordshire, U.K., has called the period from the early 20th century to now the “age of aluminum.” Today, aluminum is so abundant in our surrounding environment that it is practically impossible to avoid. Therefore, Dr. Exley has dedicated over two decades of his life to researching the effects of aluminum toxicity. During his research, he has come to the conclusion that drinking silicon-rich mineral water may be the solution to protect your body and brain from aluminum buildups and brain damage.

His data showed that drinking silicon-rich water (with 35 milligrams of silicon per liter) over a period of 12 weeks significantly improved cognitive functions in people with Alzheimer’s without any known or visible side effects. During the clinical trials, involving both healthy individuals and people with Alzheimer disease, Exley and his team found that drinking around one liter of silicon-rich mineral water every day can speed up the excretion of aluminum via the kidneys and urine by up to 70 percent. (RELATED: Find more information about how to keep your body toxin-free at

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Drinking silicon water is a non-invasive way to remove more aluminum from the body, something which benefits everyone, including vaccinated children and people with diseases such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, and Parkinson’s. While the evidence of aluminum’s health damaging effects is apparent, this toxic substance is still allowed in everyday products that are slowly destroying our health.

As reported by Dr. Exley, everybody should start to drink silica water daily to protect themselves against aluminum toxicity and the many diseases it can cause. If you buy silica water, you should look for brands with a minimum concentration of 30 milligrams silica per liter (or 30 ppm) mentioned on the label. Good silicon-rich mineral water brands include ACILIS (also sold under the name Spritzer), Volvic, and Fiji. While silica-containing water can be difficult to find, there are many natural silica-rich foods that can also help reduce the aluminum load.

Foods naturally high in silica include:

  • Oats (595mg/100g)
  • Millet (500mg/100g)
  • Barley (233mg/100g)
  • Potatoes (200mg/100g)
  • Jerusalem artichoke (36mg/100g)
  • Red beets (21mg/100g)
  • Asparagus (18mg/100g)
  • Bananas (13.60mg/250g)
  • Cooked green beans (6.10 mg/250g)
  • Raw carrots (4.58mg/200g)
  • Brown rice (4.14mg/200g)

Number of aluminum-containing vaccines is on the rise

Next to being abundantly found in our food chain, aluminum is an ingredient in nearly all vaccines. Dr. Exley explained that this makes things even worse. When aluminum is injected straight into the bloodstream, it bypasses the normal elimination or excretion channels, and goes straight to the brain or heart.

Many pro-vaccine or pro-aluminum trolls claim that aluminum is the most common mineral on the planet and therefore harmless. Emerging scientific results, however, do not agree with their vision. Furthermore, Dr. Exley added that the mining and usage of aluminum correlates with the increase in neurological diseases.

A key aspect of Dr. Exley’s research is to help protect our children from neurological vaccine damage. In the past, he has used a form of silica known as silicic acid to treat kids with an autism spectrum disorder or other neurological damage from vaccines with excellent results.


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