01/12/2017 / By S.D. Wells
Capitalism, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, and well, the highest rates of chronic sickness in the world – welcome to America, home of the brave and land of the preventable disease epidemics. Let’s delve right into the grim statistics. According to the CDC’s very own statistics, more than 1,500 Americans will die today of cancer, 1,670 Americans will die today from heart disease, 230 Americans will die today from Alzheimer’s disease, and 200 Americans will die today from diabetes. Roughly translated, for every four deaths in the United States, one is from cancer and another is from heart disease. Currently, in 2017, at least 30 million Americans have diabetes – that’s one in every ten adults. Plus, type II diabetes and childhood obesity statistics in the US rose more than 70% from 1990 to 2016, thanks mainly to high fructose corn syrup, processed food and fast food, FDA-approved junk-science in general. On top of all of this health horror, more than two-thirds of all US adults are overweight, with half of those people qualifying as obese (more than 30 pounds overweight).
There is no pill, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation or miracle vaccine that will ever change these statistics. In fact, as long as Americans believe that medical doctors can change these chronic sicknesses with “magical” medicine, the disease and death statistics will all continue to rise as the mythical “search for the cure” continues across the board. The only real cures live in the prevention and lifestyle changes that fuel a healthy body on a daily basis.
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Want to live in a “dream world” that reaps horrific consequences? Simply continue to participate in the top eight consumption habits that nearly guarantee chronic illness.
All four of these fake sugars are synthetic chemical concoctions made in a laboratory that mutate human cells, cause irritable bowel syndrome and central nervous system disorders, especially aspartame, a.k.a. “sweet misery.” Veer clear of Nutrasweet, Equal, Sweet-n-Low, and of course, Splenda.
Did you know there is no such thing as a natural canola plant? It doesn’t exist in nature. So how is it the number one Canadian export, and why is the United States the recipient of this man-made scientific nightmare? Canola comes from rapeseed, which stinks so badly that it must be deodorized in a processing plant using chemicals that cause cancer. Even organic canola is toxic to the human body, so don’t get fooled there. Just because the seeds aren’t genetically modified and the plant isn’t sprayed with chemical fertilizers in the field doesn’t mean it’s always healthy to eat. Canola is processed with a petroleum solvent called hexane to extract the oil. Hexane is a vapor constituent of gasoline. Yum!
Gluten, also known as “food glue” because it’s “sticky” and can remain in your digestive and excretive “tracts” for days and weeks. Most conventional gluten is loaded with pesticides, preservatives, and toxic dough conditioners. Think of balling up a soft piece of bread and spraying pesticide on it, then eating it. The preservatives extend the shelf life while shortening human life. As gluten clogs your digestive tract, everything you eat afterwards rots in your body until the toxic “food glue” finds its way out. Can you say polyps and diverticulitis?
If you don’t read Natural News regularly, you have no idea where fluoride really comes from. Get ready. Here it comes. The fluoride used in US tap water is a toxic byproduct of the phosphate mining industry in China. Dentists lie and say it’s good for your teeth. This is a 100-year-old myth that keeps them rich and in business. The myth sounds great, but the truth is scary. The fluoride in tap water is a combination of hexafluorosilicic acid and sodium silicofluoride that’s classified as hazardous waste and when packaged for transportation to the United States, is labeled as poison so the handlers know to wear their industrial safety gear. Tap water also contains toxins that aren’t filtered out at the plant, like artificial sweeteners, other people’s prescription medications, bleach, chlorine, and other heavy metal toxins like lead. Want to get rid of all this poison? Check out the most inexpensive, thorough home water filtration system on the market, the Big Berkey.
Just since the year 2000, U.S. food manufacturers have introduced over 3,000 soy-based foods, many of which are labeled “certified organic,” but does that even matter? Did you know that the USDA’s certified organic process does not involve testing for heavy metal toxins at all? Any soy that is unfermented, whether organic or not, is linked to immune-system malfunctions, thyroid dysfunction and cognitive decline. Hundreds of health studies reveal infant abnormalities, kidney stones and food allergies. If you read about any benefits of soy, you’re really reading about fermented soy.
Less than a decade ago, research published in Environmental Health and conducted in part by a scientist at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy revealed that high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is contaminated with the toxic heavy metal mercury. Think of most carbonated sodas, candy bars, bread, salad dressings, pizza sauce and fruit drinks for starters. Mercury is so toxic it causes severe neurological disorders, loss of hair, teeth, kidney function, and even impairs your memory. The average American may be eating five times the safety limit of mercury every day thanks to HFCS in foods. In fact, the average daily consumption of HFCS is about 50 grams (about 12 teaspoons) per person in the United States.
(Note: Learn more about other toxic food ingredients at Ingredients.news)
Aluminum Lake food coloring, used to heavily coat liquid medicines for children, contains dangerous amounts of aluminum and harmful synthetic petrochemicals–carcinogens that contain petroleum, antifreeze and ammonia, causing a long list of adverse and allergic reactions in humans. Now think of most candy, cake icing, and colored ice cream.
Aluminum poisoning can lead to central nervous system (CNS) damage, like memory impairments, autism, epilepsy, mental retardation and dementia. Research shows that just 4ppm of aluminum can cause the blood to coagulate. This is what causes Alzheimer’s disease! Aluminum consumption can also be associated with the development of bone disorders, including stress fractures. How much do you know about this and the heavy metal content in your foods, drinks, cosmetics, vaccines and pharmaceuticals? (RELATED: Stay up to date on aluminum, mercury and other heavy metals at Metals.news)
The fluoride deception: TV.NaturalNews.com
Tagged Under: Alzheimer's, American Food, canola, diabetes, HFCS, preventable disease, soy, tap water