Important excerpts from Robert F Kennedy Jr’s book: Thimerosal – Let the Science Speak: The Evidence Supporting the Immediate Removal of Mercury – a Known Neurotoxin – from Vaccines

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has just been selected by President-elect Trump to head a commission that will investigate the issue of “vaccine safety.” What this really means is that the era of mercury in vaccines may soon come to an end in America.

Donald Trump, as you may already know, is very well informed on the dangers of vaccines. In fact, during the very first presidential debate, the liberal media tried to destroy Donald Trump by claiming he was “anti-vaccine” (thereby implying that vaccines are always good and never cause harm).

Not only did Donald Trump respond by saying he personally knows people whose children were damaged by vaccines, but then Sen. Rand Paul and Ben Carson also chimed in and both agree that vaccines, as currently pushed by government, are far too dangerous.

What makes vaccines so dangerous? A toxic heavy metal known as mercury, for one thing. Astonishingly, it’s still used in flu shots given to pregnant women and young children.

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You need to get informed on this issue: It’s about to explode on the political scene

As an informed critical thinker, you need to get up to speed on the vaccine issue. One of the best books written on vaccine science was compiled and written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. It’s called Thimerosal – Let the Science Speak: The Evidence Supporting the Immediate Removal of Mercury – a Known Neurotoxin – from Vaccines

Here, I present selected excerpts from the book, its foreward and executive summary sections. Read this, forward this and understand above all that no one in the lying mainstream media will ever report these crucial facts. The entire mainstream media is run by Big Pharma presstitutes who lie, deceive and propagandize for the benefit of the vaccine companies (drug manufacturers). They will never knowingly report the truth on this subject, no matter how many children are maimed or murdered by vaccines. (See many examples of fake news from the mainstream media at

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In addition to the excerpts below, I encourage you to read more from this book by buying it at (don’t buy from, as Amazon revenues subsidize the Washington Post, a discredit pro-vaccine propaganda mouthpiece for the corrupt state).

What follows is all from the book. I have personally selected the paragraphs to present here.

Foreward by US Congressman Bill Posey

(Excerpted from the book…)

Hundreds of parents from across the country have contacted me in recent years, describing their children as developing normally up to the time of receiving a particular vaccination.

In 2004 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended that certain infants receive the annual flu vaccine—most of which contained Thimerosal. Over the next decade the CDC’s annual flu vaccine recommendations were expanded to include annual flu vaccines for infants, children, adults, and the aged.

The continued use of mercury, a known neurotoxin, raises particular concern for populations that are most vulnerable to neurodevelopmental harms, mainly a fetus in utero, infants, young children and the aged. When we speak of the health and safety of our children, our future generation, we speak of a societal responsibility, which we are privileged to bear.

During the writing of this book, I was approached by a CDC researcher who felt personally led to expose instances of research misconduct within the CDC, particularly with regard to a 2004 Pediatrics article, Age at First Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination in Children With Autism and School-matched Control Subjects: A Population-Based Study in Metropolitan Atlanta. As this book discloses, this is not the first instance of CDC conduct to come under scrutiny. Regrettably, studies on the relationship between vaccines and autism have been subject to misconduct including data manipulation and false reporting.

Many of the CDC’s own studies have demonstrated a link between increased Thimerosal exposures and the development of vocal and motor tics, which are generally recognized as autismlike features. This alarming association has been downplayed to the public. Sadly, public health agencies’ insistence on Thimerosal’s safety has effectively inhibited objective investigations into research misconduct and conflicts of interest within health agencies and the vaccine industry.

– US Congressman Bill Posey

From Mark Hyman MD

(Excerpted from the book)

There is no debate that mercury in any form is toxic. Scientists may debate the differences in toxicity between different forms of mercury, such as ethylmercury (which is an ingredient in Thimerosal) or methylmercury (from fish). But all would agree that mercury is a potent neurotoxin.

The arguments put forth that we cannot remove Thimerosal from vaccines are invalid. Thimerosal has already been removed from nearly all vaccines except the multidose flu vaccine in the United States. This was based on government recommendations and a call to action from many agencies and health organizations, as is well documented in this book.

However, Thimerosal still remains in nearly all the pediatric vaccines used in the developing world. There are effective alternative preservatives already in use (2-phenoxyethanol), and new ones can be developed. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned mercury as a topical antiseptic (remember Mercurochrome?). And any medical products containing Thimerosal or mercury cannot be thrown in the garbage. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers them hazardous waste. Does it make any sense that even though Thimerosal is not safe to put on your skin, or to throw in the garbage, it is safe to inject into pregnant women and babies?

We should practice the precautionary principle in medicine and avoid doing harm whenever possible. And given the simple fact that mercury is toxic, I can come to no other conclusion than this: we should immediately remove Thimerosal from vaccines and all other products used in medicine.

– Mark Hyman, MD

From Martha R. Herbert, PhD, MD

(Excerpted from the book)

This book advocates one specific step to improve vaccines: removing a known neurotoxin (mercury, in the form of Thimerosal) from the list of ingredients. To make a strong case for taking this step, the book presents voluminous evidence of:

  • The toxicity of Thimerosal
  • Its ineffectiveness even in the bactericidal role it is supposed to play
  • Safer alternatives to Thimerosal that are already available
  • A history of the calls of scientists and high-level governmental and international agencies around the world to remove Thimerosal entirely from vaccines
  • Implementation of this course of action in some other countries

It argues that removing Thimerosal entirely will improve both vaccines themselves and people’s trust in them.

That mercury is toxic cannot be disputed. To say otherwise is to pick a fight with the periodic table and the fundamental principles of physical chemistry. Consider the organization of electrons in atoms. Mercury is a large, heavy atom with more orbitals than lighter metals, like copper or zinc, and has a greater capacity to pick up and exchange electrons. The specific ways it can do this are not as tightly determined as in lighter atoms, making it a biochemical “wild card.” Mercury is thus a metabolic poison because it can insinuate itself into situations where it doesn’t belong. In particular it can substitute itself for lighter metals like zinc and selenium around which critical ancient enzyme systems are designed. This grossly cripples the specificity of enzymes and rates of reaction, and can spread chaos in the networks of metabolic processes, which try to generate workarounds to this logjam—but at great cost to biological and energetic resources, and often without success. This chaos may disrupt development as well as ongoing function throughout life.

Moreover, while claims have been made that the ethylmercury in Thimerosal is safer than the much better-studied methylmercury, these claims are based on weak, questionable evidence and poorly chosen assumptions. As reviewed in Chapters 4-6 herein, available data suggests that the toxicity of these two forms of mercury is at least comparable, and that ethylmercury may leave the blood more quickly—only to persist more stubbornly in organs and tissues of the body, particularly the brain.

Furthermore, mercury’s toxicity can be even worse in the presence of aluminum, which is also an ingredient in many vaccines and has toxicity issues of its own (Chapter 11).

This all being the case, why are we still putting mercury in vaccines—or in any medical product (roughly 169 consumer products including eyedrops and nose drops still contain Thimerosal)—and how can we bring ourselves to stop doing this?

When it comes to mercury, not only is it clearly toxic, even at very low exposures… but our bodies derive no physiological benefit from it whatsoever. Nevertheless, one out of six children in the United States is born with levels of mercury high enough to be put at risk for neurological complications like learning disabilities, motor skill impairments, and short-term memory loss.

We can be exposed to mercury by eating fish (particularly those predators high on the food chain), being downwind of coal-fired power plants and other coal-fired industrial processes such as cement kilns, being near mines, being downwind of trash incinerators that burn hazardous and medical waste, breaking mercury-containing devices such as older thermometers, and having dental amalgams. People, including infants and pregnant mothers, can also be exposed to mercury through vaccines. In the United States, this exposure comes mainly from influenza vaccines. Although Thimerosal was removed from mandatory childhood vaccines in the United States, cumulative exposure is still high due to regular Thimerosal-containing flu shot administration starting in pregnancy and infancy.

To take mercury out of vaccines is a different matter. It is used as a preservative in multidose vials, even though it doesn’t actually do that job so well (Chapter 10), and we have safe and effective alternatives (Chapter 12). Companies making vaccines could either change the preservative or shift to single-dose vials, which actually will not increase societal costs as much as has been claimed…

…By exposing the population to unnecessary mercury in vaccines, we are gambling with population health through the same intervention that we use to protect it.

it is clear now that mercury is something to which no one should be deliberately exposed. As such, it is an error to include it in vaccines or indeed in any therapeutics—and in these domains it is an error within our grasp to correct, and prudent to do so. We tend to take a long time to correct errors—it took seventy-five years to get the lead out of gasoline. Let’s do a better job this time. So many considerations and pieces of evidence are compiled in this one comprehensive volume. I hope and implore that it moves us all to do whatever it takes—make whatever adjustments necessary—to correct this error, because it CAN be corrected—indeed MUST be corrected—so let’s just DO IT. THEN we can focus more effectively on the harder problems lying ahead.

– Martha R. Herbert, PhD, MD

From RFK, Jr.:

People who advocate for safer vaccines should not be marginalized or denounced as anti-vaccine. I am pro-vaccine. I had all six of my children vaccinated. I believe that vaccines have saved the lives of hundreds of millions of humans over the past century and that broad vaccine coverage is critical to public health. But I want our vaccines to be as safe as possible.

…There is a broad consensus among research scientists that Thimerosal is a dangerous neurotoxin that should be immediately removed from medicines. Several hundred peer-reviewed scientific publications by the world’s leading research scientists, public health agencies, universities, and teaching hospitals have confirmed that Thimerosal is a potent neurotoxin that has never been proven safe for medical use and for which cost-effective alternatives exist.

Indeed, the evidence of Thimerosal’s neurotoxicity is so overwhelming and the lack of any safety data so complete that anyone who is willing to read science and who believes in the capacity for scientific methods to determine empirical truths must conclude that Thimerosal causes serious brain damage.

For many years, I’ve been puzzled by the bland and apparently baseless insistence by public health regulators and members of the press that it is safe to inject mercury—one of the world’s most neurotoxic elements—into young children and pregnant women. Over the past three years, I’ve engaged a crack team of respected scientific researchers to review the voluminous peer-reviewed literature related to Thimerosal and human health. Not surprisingly, that team was unable to find even a single publication that credibly demonstrates Thimerosal’s safety. Meanwhile, reams of toxicological, pharmacological, epidemiological, animal, and human studies have implicated Thimerosal in a range of neurological disorders. In fact, there is a virtually unanimous scientific consensus among the hundreds of research scientists who have published peer-reviewed articles in the field that Thimerosal is immensely toxic to brain tissue and should not be injected into children.

Public health agencies and government officials have repeatedly declared Thimerosal-preserved vaccines to be safe. Among the most important examples of these statements is a widely known report from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) published in 2004. The report purported to refute any link between Thimerosal exposure and autism. However, this conclusion was based almost entirely on epidemiological studies, which are unable to prove causation. Furthermore, the epidemiological studies have many flaws, and their authors possess significant conflicts of interest.

Exposure to Thimerosal increased beginning in 1989 and rose sharply during the early 1990s as new vaccines were added to the US childhood vaccine schedule. This increased exposure to mercury via vaccines coincided closely with increased case reports of neurodevelopmental disorders, including a dramatic increase in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) cases and a rise in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).16 17 According to various studies, the prevalence of ASDs rose in the US from a historical rate of approximately 1 in 2,000 through the 1980s to as high as 1 in 166 children by the early 2000s.1819 Attention problems reported by pediatricians’ offices rose from 1.4 percent of patients in 1979 to 9.2 percent by 1996, according to one study, with other studies also documenting a steady upward movement in rates of ADD and ADHD from 1970s’ baselines.

Although Thimerosal now only appears in trace amounts in vaccines on the US childhood immunization schedule, the potential threat to children’s neurological health continues today in the form of seasonal flu vaccines, preserved with Thimerosal, that are administered to pregnant women and babies.

Recent CDC figures confirm ADHD prevalence has remained as high as nearly 1 in 10 children.28 29 The prevalence of any developmental disability in US children went up from 12.84 percent in 1996 to 15.04 percent by 2008.30 ASD statistical rates, for their part, have soared higher still. In March 2012, the reported prevalence (as of 2008, in 8 year olds) stood at 1 in 88 children; in March 2013, the prevalence figure (as of 2011-2012, between the ages of 6 and 17 years) came in at a staggering 1 in 50 children, with 1 in 31 boys affected, though this report was based on a less-reliable survey of parents. Most recently, in March 2014, a more reliable figure of 1 in 68 was reported (as of 2010, in 8 year olds).

Based on this book’s analysis, we are calling for policy and industry shifts that will lead to Thimerosal’s removal from all remaining vaccines within a year. Vaccines are unquestionably one of the greatest achievements in medical science. They have prevented countless terrible illnesses. We hope that the elimination of an unnecessary mercury-containing ingredient in vaccines will ease future doubts about vaccine safety. Restoring faith in the vaccine regimen while maintaining or increasing vaccination rates is critical in the United States and especially in developing nations, where Thimerosal-containing childhood vaccines are still very much in use.

Get the book and keep reading… you’ll be amazed

Read more by buying the book at (don’t buy from, as Amazon revenues subsidize the Washington Post, a pro-vaccine fake news rag run by deceptive globalists).

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