Join the Natural News uncensored social media network and escape Facebook’s communist-style censorship

With Facebook announcing it’s going to suppress independent media stories and showcase “favored publishers” such as fake news fabrication rags like the Washington Post and CNN, it’s time for all Facebook fans of Natural News to switch over to our uncensored social media network.


Found at, our social media network is based on the Diaspora pods that can’t be censored by governments, globalists or evil corporations like Facebook and Google.


It’s now obvious that Facebook, Google and Twitter are set to engage in communist China-style censorship, turning their websites into little more than echo chambers for left-wing delusional narratives parading as “news.” Just as intelligent people have now rejected CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times, all the same people will begin walking away from Google, Facebook and Twitter as they crank up their censorship efforts.


Where will the people go instead? Uncensored social media networks like, where you’ll see every story we publish. (Facebook currently censors 98% of our posts… that’s Red China level censorship…) is your alternative to Google News

As long as you’re making the switch to independent, alternative sources of trustworthy information, stop using Google News and switch to, the independent media search engine that focuses on news sites.


Try it now by searching for almost anything on your mind… the Federal Reserve, Zika virus, or the Clinton Foundation. You’ll discover a wealth of news information that’s routinely censored by Google News, Facebook and Yahoo News. being relaunched as an alternative news index portal

By the way, we’re also reworking to function as a news portal for all the popular independent media news sites. Within a few weeks, you’ll see it indexing news from, Zero Hedge, Activist Post, The Daily Sheeple and many other independent media websites.


We aim to make your No. 1 portal for finding out what news is breaking across the independent media in real time.


Remember that all the financial support for all these free speech efforts to avoid censorship comes from the Health Ranger Store, so I thank you in advance for your support.


Stop supporting Jeff Bezos who owns and the dishonest Washington Post. As much as you can, shop at the Health Ranger Store and shift your purchasing dollars to publishers you support. Did you know we offer amazingly clean, lab-verified body soap, shampoo and even an amazing new laundry detergent?


We’re constantly expanding our product offerings, too, to bring you more great solutions for health and home.

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