Obama’s war on marijuana: Why is this herbal remedy still a ‘Schedule 1 drug?’

There are a myriad of reasons to declassify marijuana from the Schedule 1 classification, considering Schedule 1 drugs also include heroin, LSD and Quaaludes and others. They are also defined as having no medicinal value. Tell that to the PTSD, epilepsy, cancer and pain patients that have moved their lives across the nation to the 24 states that allow medical marijuana.

About 100 activists smoked weed in front of the White House, seeking a rescheduling of this healing herb. But Obama isn’t listening. Reason.com reports:

“The group is frustrated by President Obama’s failure to pursue administrative rescheduling of marijuana, despite his youthful cannabis consumption, his concession that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol, and his mostly hands-off approach to state legalization.”

Obama, just like the liars before him, allows a death march of pharmacueticals, GMOs, chemtrials, depleted uranium, fluoride and millions of other nanotoxic potions in food, air and water. But when it comes to declassifying a weed that saves lives? The war on drugs continues, according to the Washington Post:

“If the Obama administration is to be believed, America’s infamous “War on Drugs” is over… Unfortunately, the government’s actions don’t jibe with their rhetoric… Seemingly everyone can agree that some drugs are more harmful than others, but the head of the Drug Enforcement Administration was unable or unwilling to say to Congress that marijuana was less harmful than methamphetamine, cocaine, or heroin…

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“[It] is absurd to suggest that an honest, relative assessment of harms and consequences is unknown to the people in charge of setting and executing drug policy. Yet the nation’s top drug enforcement agent can’t say a drug on which is virtually impossible to fatally overdose is less harmful than drugs that kill thousands of Americans each year.”

Absurd indeed. Cocaine, and amphetamines are classified as Schedule 2 and considered less dangerous than cannabis. The DEA reclassification of marijuana  would also allow important marijuana medical research, according to Ibtimes.com:

“The strict Schedule I label is problematic, advocates say, because it incurs the harshest federal penalties for those who are caught with it and adds bureaucratic hurdles for researchers who want study it. ‘I see dozens of cases a month that are impacted by this classification,’ says Michael Cindrich, an attorney in San Diego, California, who specializes in criminal cases related to medical marijuana. Meanwhile, the significance of the designation has blurred following more states legalizing recreational marijuana and Congress ordering the Department of Justice to stop pursuing criminal cases against growers or users of medical marijuana.”

If the folks in Washington D.C. cared about the truth, they would research the fraud of the Nixon’s war on drugs. Reason.com has the story:

“Journalist Dan Baum recounts an interview he conducted with John Erlichman, a former Nixon staffer who was jailed for one year due to his involvement in the Watergate scandal. Unprompted, Erlichman confessed the true purpose of federal drug prohibition:

“‘You want to know what this was really all about?… The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.’”

Lying? They still are.

(Photo credit: Marijuanadoctors.com)








