04/15/2016 / By D. Samuelson
Why not consider a switch to using organic tooth products as part of a program to maintain oral health?
You’re probably doing all you can to prevent GMOs from entering your digestive system. You may already be purchasing soaps, shampoos and cleaning agents that are not deemed toxic to your skin, or to the environment. And, if you live in an enlightened municipality or community that has removed fluoride from the local water supply, you most likely don’t buy toothpaste that contains it. It’s also important to avoid sodium lauryl sulfate, a synthetic detergent compound found in many brands of toothpaste that can lead to canker sores.
While many health-conscious individuals concentrate on keeping their digestive flora happy, healthy and humming, we may not pay a lot of attention to the nasty plaque and bacteria on our teeth and gums. We’d better start. Streptococcus mutans is one bacterium associated with tooth decay and gum disease. According to HealthyGutBugs.com, here’s what happens after you eat, or drink anything:
“[S]ticky glycoproteins adhere to your teeth. S. mutans can stick to the glycoproteins. S. mutans digests fructose in the mouth to create energy. Lactic acid is a byproduct of their metabolic process. It is the lactic acid that causes cavities by dissolving the calcium phosphate in tooth enamel.”
As explained by LoveToKnow.com, everything we ingest passes in, around, and through our tongue, our teeth, our gums and our cheeks and this is important:
“[E]specially when you consider how easily and quickly it’s possible for our gums to absorb substances into the bloodstream, not to mention the small amount of toothpaste most people swallow on a daily basis. Likewise, many of the materials dental products are made from may also contain chemicals that can be potentially harmful when ingested.
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“Organic products often contain only natural flavorings, rather than synthetic, as well as a variety of herbal extracts, such as bergamot essential oil and lavender oil to help fight germs and clean teeth. Organic tooth products include a few basic components: toothbrushes, dental floss, mouthwash, and toothpaste.”
How often, following a dental appointment, has the technician given you a little sample pack of a popular fluoride-laden toothpaste, as well as a nationally known brand of tooth brush and floss? Perhaps you’ve used this goody bag in the past without thinking. Isn’t it time to make the same commitment to your oral health as you do the rest of your body?
Keep in mind that oral health is a direct reflection of your body’s inner physical health. Eating alkaline foods and having a balanced diet of clean food robust in essential vitamins and minerals is crucial. And, if you’re on a tight budget and can’t quite squeeze the money for that tube of organic toothpaste, the old tried and true method of using baking soda to clean your teeth and gums is still quite effective.
Tagged Under: Baking Soda, gum disease repair, Holistic dentistry.news, oral health, Organic Tooth Products, S. Mutans, Tooth Decay Prevention