The emotional ROLLER COASTER of smoking

Step right up folks, step right up … to the ultimate emotional nightmare, known to the majority of mankind as commercial tobacco rolled into an efficient nicotine delivery device, aka the modern cigarette! Watch it perform feats of unparalleled emotional distress, like every second feels like walking the high wire without a net, a nerve-racking disorder where the relief drug is coated with chemicals that cause pain and anxiety!

Witness the impossible! 45,000,000 … that’s right ladies and gentlemen, 45 million smokers from sea to shining sea suckin’ back on cancer every hour, some of them every half hour, and paying to be killed slowly. Witness NO safety in numbers. Welcome to the three ring circus, where each ring contains carpet glue, plastic particles and fiberglass!

See the spectacular event LIVE as 45 million Americans fire up their own demise and engage in a mystical, magical ritual that gives them mutated cells that kill them!

Celebrating 100 years of conning, coercing, and trapping Americans with the most lethal form of recreational activity one can find. Big Tobacco even markets to YOUR children! Children of all ages are fooled by cigarettes and the companies that make candy that looks like cigarettes. Who knew!! Yes Marlboro and Camel market to everybody–it’s fair game!

One of the most memorable experiences and daring feats was the AMA pushing cancer using 20,000 doctors who endorsed cigarettes for 30 years after they knew about lung cancer, from 1930 into the 1960s!

The emotional roller coaster of smoking

Up and down, and up and down you go, worry, laugh, fret, sweat, hate, sulk, criticize, scrutinize, inhale, exhale, sneer, snarl, bark, crawl, regret, fret, sweat, hate, ooops, outa smokes. Head to the store. Head hurts. Body aches. Sore throat won’t go away. Happy, sad, worried, glad, gotta smoke, gotta toke, no smoking here, no smoking there, soon, you won’t care, you won’t need, and you won’t “feed,” the emotional nightmare becomes the devotional dream, to healthy living, thriving, reclaiming vitality, reclamation of longevity. This life it’s yours, don’t let cigarettes rain on your parade. Get off the reckless nicotine roller coaster and leave the circus of chemical suffering. It’s time you had a reality check and made the right choice. Quit smoking.

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man stressed

Organic tobacco – who knew it’s an AMAZING way to quit smoking!

Western preventable disease epidemics – you should actively PREVENT them

Stop Smoking King (himself)

How great would your life be WITHOUT cigarettes?!

she jumps

Escape the killer habit!

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