Combine your superfoods for maximum nutritional benefit

Eating a variety of healthy food is important, but how you eat your food can be important too. Research suggests that eating healthy food pairings may be more beneficial than eating one food by itself. Findings suggested eating broccoli and tomatoes together produced a powerful protection against cancer that wasn’t replicated when the two foods were consumed separately. The preventative effect couldn’t be duplicated by supplementation, either. One must eat the whole foods in order to see the greatest benefit. Eating superfoods together when their nutritional content is compatible is a great way to meet your daily recommended vitamins and minerals.

It’s quite interesting that many studies only look at one isolated nutrient; they never occur that way in nature. That is probably why the results of major studies on things like lycopene are often inconclusive; they separate the nutrient from all the other nutrients it works in cohesion with, thus reducing its benefit. Plants don’t just have one nutrient; they have hundreds, and like most things – they work better together. There are thousands of phytonutrients, most of which we haven’t even named yet. The research suggested that eating broccoli and tomatoes together was better than the best prostrate cancer drug out there.

The bottom line is that you can’t rely on drugs or supplements to keep you healthy. Nothing can replace fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, no matter what anyone at the pharmacy tells you. The best way to be healthy, and stay healthy, is through your eating habits.

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